I never thought I'd touch on religion in this blog, but this really pushed me to that point:
This statement/picture is NOT necessarily true to what it's vaguely portraying. I passed this picture so many times on Facebook and kept saying I wasn't going to entertain this nonsense, but this time seeing it, I had to put in my 2 cents.
A true religious person will openly admit that he/she does NOT "know it all." He/She believes that God knows it all and, while reading the Bible, God will impart WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING so that he/she will be able to go forth in the world and spread those same values and wisdom unto others. Even if a religious person BARELY reads "one book" [the Bible in my situation; the Qur'an in others' and so on with other religious books], God will see that he or she is making an effort and still impart wisdom and open their eyes to the things that have happened in their past lives so that they can understand & tell others the truth of the ways of life. This picture is pointless and shows just how correct the Bible is: [2 Timothy 3:7 ---> "Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of TRUTH"]. Hey isn't that what that picture says about the scientist who reads books unceasingly? Yet, they want to downplay the person who believes that the Bible IS the TRUTH who, in turn, makes that effort to spread true knowledge to others. How misguided this person is, whoever made this picture to believe we, as religious men and women for the Lord our God, think we know everything which is not the case. We are just intelligent due to the Wisdom of God that he blesses us, his subjects, with. And we choose to remain adamant in everything God has to say through us. I guess that's where their idea of us "thinking we know everything" comes from, but they are wrong.
It's people like this, who can't stand the sight of someone with LEGIT wisdom whom is trying to help them out, who go around making pictures like this, trying to tear down the value of one's religion through the mockery of the people who try to spread the Word. I took offense to this. They can't stand the idea of someone with knowledge, based from God, telling them the truths of life...
#PAUSE. This is where I destroy any counterargument that people would have:
[Yes, I know RELIGION and these new Bible translations (not the Bible I read) have been whitewashed to a certain extent (and this will be people's argument in playing "Devil's advocate"); but there are so few truths in this world, that when you see one, you know it (and to me one of those truths is the Bible). God's word (KJV) has stood the test of time and people have literally shed their blood and died so that it was not tampered with.
People say that the Bible has been misinterpreted and translated so many times it has lost its value & this is their sorry, ass of an excuse for not reading and/or believing the Bible. That is partially true, as for the NIV, NCV, etc., when it comes to some of the true names of individuals in the Bible (for example: in the King James Version Bible (KJV) Jesus calls himself the Bright, Morning Star. However the New International Version (NIV) Bible does have Jesus calling himself that name but it ALSO calls Lucifer the Morning Star, trying to make people believe that somehow, Jesus & Lucifer (Satan) are evenly matched, or even equal or even one in the same.)]
Lord have mercy, JESUS! Help these people see the error of their ways.
[(Have you noticed that in the last ten years, there is every kind of new doctrine, new revelation teachings, new names of God and last but not he least the many, many different Bibles? Well Satan is doing his job on a generation that has proved the scriptures once again to be the Word of God. Let me reiterate: (2 Timothy 3:7 ---> "Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of TRUTH").
This is why I stick to my KJV Bible. How can it (KJV) be wrong when the values, morals, and laws of it are being blatantly disobeyed by these so-called people who changed/altered it? The so-called people who are changing the Bible are the ones responsible for the NIV, NCV, etc. (They call these new versions the devil's bible because of the mass amount of scriptures that are missing from it - the ones that are in the original KJV Bible - and clearly because of the comparison of making both satan and Jesus equal, which is nowhere nigh true.) These people are trying to make a Bible that somehow conveys a condoning of their wicked ways by slowly altering it.]
#RESUME. Continuing what I was saying:
...They can't stand the idea that if someone telling them the truths of life so they go and read everyone else's books hoping to gain their own understanding of things and why things are the way they are [ONCE AGAIN PEOPLE!!: (2 Timothy 3:7 ---> "Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of TRUTH") & (Proverb 3:5 ---> "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean NOT unto thine own understanding.")].
Jeremiah 17:5 ---> "Thus saith the Lord; CURSED BE THE MAN THAT TRUSTETH IN MAN...."
[Hmmm could that be the man that made all the history books - with their views on how we should live - and own separate philosophies to try and make people see things their way?]. Let your mind marinate on that.
I'm done, I believe I have properly handled this statement although I did rant a little bit there. I shewed the lengths of what people, like that, will do to try and make us believe that the Bible (the Word of God) has less value than books (the words of man, based on their own understanding of the world). Now I'm not denigrating anyone else's religion, I am only REASSERTING the reasons for my beliefs in my own and the "one book" that I read.
--One Love