Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The White Man's Religion?

It irks me when Black activists or Conscious Hip-Hop artists call Christianity the "white man's" religion.

It is NOT their religion. They intercepted it and used certain aspects of it to get their way over the Africans so that they could enslave them and bring them to the Americas to build their empire. And it wasn't all of the white people, it was the white supremacists who carried these activities out, which was a majority of them, along with those who were coaxed into believing that they were actually doing good. That is NO REASON to shun the RELIGION as a whole. That's like saying, "Oh, he beat me with a belt, so now I'm going to completely do away with belts. I'm never wearing a belt again." You criticize the evil in the people who carried those actions out and those who continue to do it to other countries today, not the "tool" that was used. ["Guns" don't kill people; people kill people.]

There is SO MUCH in the BIBLE that teaches against what these same people [supremacists] are doing, and will point out that they are hypocrites for living the way they live. Those people will receive their just rewards; but when young, naive, rebellious, radical, "intellectual" individuals hear a prolific speaker [who represents the path the young minds want to follow] with biased opinions, saying denigrating things about the "white man" and "his" religion that enslaved his people, the young listener tends to adopt those views of the speaker's mind; acquiescing to just about everything he says. It is then that the prolific speaker adopts the attitude of his oppressor; eye for an eye & tooth for a tooth. But, "an eye for an eye, leaves the whole world blind."

These highly acclaimed activists, artists, etc., are walking around saying, "Give the white man his religion back and let's go back to the ways, of our ancestors, when we revered ourselves as gods."
First off, WE ARE NOT GODS!! We were made in His IMAGE. I am, in no way, trying to denigrate the profound, wonderful, aesthetics of my own people and their history, but I am saying that just because an idea [worshiping multiple gods] is so stagnant and perpetual in a society, doesn't make it correct. I love everything about my ancestors; the strength and courage that we had [and STILL have], the intelligence and pure genius to be the first civilizations to master math and science, and a plethora of other reasons that I could go on for days listing. I take pride in my ancestors, but I do also take pride in the Bible and GOD. I do believe that there is only ONE true God.

We ALL [conscious individuals who know the truth] know that Jesus was NOT white like all of the propaganda perpetuates, so that topic can STOP being brought up as an excuse for why those people, who despise the "white man's religion", don't follow Christianity. It sickens me to see MEN, with all of this wisdom and knowledge, still act like children for the sake of their egos. So what, if he was white!? The color of his skin should NOT matter. And proving that he was Black or white should have no basis in why we should follow said religion. It's the principles that he taught that we should take heed to. He strengthened the Law of the Old Testament that Moses brought forth from God.

I PREACH about my despising for white supremacy, black supremacy, and any other supremacists. I can't stand it, and I won't tolerate it. But that does NOT mean that I don't like white people. But I don't like when the people in the executive seats, which are mostly white, advocate that everyone should look and act like them. They push this "message" of white supremacy throughout the media and ESPECIALLY through cartoons to snare the children's minds at a young age. The white supremacists know that revolution has ALWAYS been sparked by the young, radical minds, so they initiate systems throughout the mass media that will put the minds, of the youth and even the naive adults, to sleep with ideas of consumerism, capitalism, and materialism. This method has been highly effective; as you can see, when you look among your peers, the majority of them are dressing, acting, and looking like them; showing no love for their own God-given bodies. And in turn those same peers are criticizing their own people for not aspiring to look like them - those that have this idea of the image of a "perfect" human being. When those same people are shown the truth, they retreat in denial and won't even converse with you because they really can't handle the truth.
["How ridiculous I was! Stupid enough to stand there simply lost in admiration of how my hair now looking "white," reflected in the mirror in Shorty's room. I vowed that I'd never again be without a conk, and I never was for many years....This was my first really big step toward self-degradation: when I endured all of that pain, literally burning my flesh to have it look like a whit man's hair. I had joined that multitude of Negro men and women in America who are brainwashed into believing that the Black people are "inferior" - and white people "superior" - that they will even violate and mutilate their God-created bodies to try to look "pretty" by white standards." -- Malcolm X (Autobiography of Malcolm X)].

I can see what people mean when they say the "white man's religion" because I see the way some of these people act in these big named churches, but that is no reason to go after God for what the people have done. I don’t like churches that only teach prosperity as if God is some type of genie in a bottle. The churches with the pastors that has the same sermon about how "this year is your year and your season and your time to get your money, a new car, and a new house because God is going to give it to you after you tithe/sacrifice $200…" Then every year you’re still facing financial hardships while the good ol' pastor is cruising around in the luxury vehicles of the present year while sporting fresh designer suits that are never repeated. Those churches where the pastor doesn't even know his congregation and he himself is worshiped, rather than worshiping God. Those are the churches that we need to "attack", not the being who put forth the law and covenant. I really don't have anything else to say because I feel I will start repeating points that I have already made. Christianity is not the "white man's religion", but it has been used - just the same as other religions - to be a means of profit for those in power. I end on that note.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" ---> Ephesians 6:12

Friday, September 21, 2012


"All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come" -- Victor Hugo

In 2011: Over $2 Trillion reported in military expenditures. Over 6.9 million children die from hunger-related diseases.

The GLOBAL quality of life is on a continual decline as food and resource prices continue to increase.

Corruption and injustice plague our world; NOW more than ever.

You are merely playing the role of a consumer in this system, like cattle to the corporations and world banks.

Is this the life that you imagined; a life of servitude to a system that thrives on obedience and self-promoted consumption?

Ladies and Gentlemen:

There really isn't much reason to beat around the bush, I imagine. By now you've noticed the manipulation and bias within the media. You've watched as your government has sold you down the river. Corporations have buried their money under your politics and now influence the decisions of your governments. The banks continue to grow more ruthless and unethical in practice; all in the name of profit. Your future - your children's future - it means nothing to them. The only desired outcome is maximum profit obtained with the least possible expense. And whether you want to admit this to yourself or not, your already knew this. Is this what it's come to? A price tag on life, a world coercing with greed; intoxicated on monetary gain and material conquest. Why have we allowed this? Ladies and gentlemen, these are the questions you should be asking yourselves.

The world around us has been manipulated; coerced in a direction where human life is outweighed by profit. Corporations and bankers now influence the policies, regulations, and even the decisions made by our own governments who have sold us down the river. They took our dreams, our futures. They took them from you, from all of us, and in their own arrogant, condescending fashion, they expect you to roll over and accept it. They pass, into law, further restrictions on your personal rights and freedoms. They want you to shut up and keep quiet; keep you alone and all of us divided. Marketing has you chasing an image, telling you what you need to do, what to think and say, how to feel, how to dress; how to be YOU! Who are you!? Do you even know? Can you honestly tell me that you are happy with life as it is defined for you? Open your eyes it's all out right in front of you. Stop trusting these crooked politicians. They don't care about you. THEY DON'T CARE! The will of the people is not a profitable investment. All the while you've chased the dream life they've created for you, waving it in front of you like a carrot on a stick. STOP IT! Stop being guided through life. We need to quit letting the decisions of a few control the lives of the many. We need to take our future - our children's future - back into our hands.

When did we become so careless, so reckless, apathetic, and submissive? When did we lose our connection with others, with community and family? Stop focusing on the differences and start acknowledging and building upon our common grounds. Start sharing, connecting; teaching one another and learning from each another as well. Build our bonds as HUMAN BEINGS! Find your STRENGTHin unity. Find your VOICE, and then let it be heard! Because, my friends, what you have to say does matter. We just need to get off our knees, stand on our own two feet and remind them just how much we do matter.

Become the change you want to see. Build the future together, a decent future. A future where life is cherished, rather than spent worshiping money; where justice, fairness, and liberty is doctrine. A world invested in education, ingenuity, and creativity, rather than war and conquest. Rid yourself of your cynicism, your ego, your fear. Instead, open your hearts, your minds, your eyes; broaden your horizons. Respect other for their own opinions, just as you can expect it the same in return. It's time to change our ways, to evolve, and break free of this vicious cycle. It's time to educate ourselves on the issues affecting us, and work together to create progressive, effective solutions.

Welcome to the future.

Friday, June 22, 2012

The True Source of Knowledge [From My Point of View]

I never thought I'd touch on religion in this blog, but this really pushed me to that point:

This statement/picture is NOT necessarily true to what it's vaguely portraying. I passed this picture so many times on Facebook and kept saying I wasn't going to entertain this nonsense, but this time seeing it, I had to put in my 2 cents.

A true religious person will openly admit that he/she does NOT "know it all." He/She believes that God knows it all and, while reading the Bible, God will impart WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING so that he/she will be able to go forth in the world and spread those same values and wisdom unto others. Even if a religious person BARELY reads "one book" [the Bible in my situation; the Qur'an in others' and so on with other religious books], God will see that he or she is making an effort and still impart wisdom and open their eyes to the things that have happened in their past lives so that they can understand & tell others the truth of the ways of life. This picture is pointless and shows just how correct the Bible is: [2 Timothy 3:7 ---> "Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of TRUTH"]. Hey isn't that what that picture says about the scientist who reads books unceasingly? Yet, they want to downplay the person who believes that the Bible IS the TRUTH who, in turn, makes that effort to spread true knowledge to others. How misguided this person is, whoever made this picture to believe we, as religious men and women for the Lord our God, think we know everything which is not the case. We are just intelligent due to the Wisdom of God that he blesses us, his subjects, with. And we choose to remain adamant in everything God has to say through us. I guess that's where their idea of us "thinking we know everything" comes from, but they are wrong.

It's people like this, who can't stand the sight of someone with LEGIT wisdom whom is trying to help them out, who go around making pictures like this, trying to tear down the value of one's religion through the mockery of the people who try to spread the Word. I took offense to this. They can't stand the idea of someone with knowledge, based from God, telling them the truths of life...

#PAUSE. This is where I destroy any counterargument that people would have:
[Yes, I know RELIGION and these new Bible translations (not the Bible I read) have been whitewashed to a certain extent (and this will be people's argument in playing "Devil's advocate"); but there are so few truths in this world, that when you see one, you know it (and to me one of those truths is the Bible). God's word (KJV) has stood the test of time and people have literally shed their blood and died so that it was not tampered with.
People say that the Bible has been misinterpreted and translated so many times it has lost its value & this is their sorry, ass of an excuse for not reading and/or believing the Bible. That is partially true, as for the NIV, NCV, etc., when it comes to some of the true names of individuals in the Bible (for example: in the King James Version Bible (KJV) Jesus calls himself the Bright, Morning Star. However the New International Version (NIV) Bible does have Jesus calling himself that name but it ALSO calls Lucifer the Morning Star, trying to make people believe that somehow, Jesus & Lucifer (Satan) are evenly matched, or even equal or even one in the same.)]

Lord have mercy, JESUS! Help these people see the error of their ways.

[(Have you noticed that in the last ten years, there is every kind of new doctrine, new revelation teachings, new names of God and last but not he least the many, many different Bibles? Well Satan is doing his job on a generation that has proved the scriptures once again to be the Word of God. Let me reiterate: (2 Timothy 3:7 ---> "Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of TRUTH").
This is why I stick to my KJV Bible. How can it (KJV) be wrong when the values, morals, and laws of it are being blatantly disobeyed by these so-called people who changed/altered it? The so-called people who are changing the Bible are the ones responsible for the NIV, NCV, etc. (They call these new versions the devil's bible because of the mass amount of scriptures that are missing from it - the ones that are in the original KJV Bible - and clearly because of the comparison of making both satan and Jesus equal, which is nowhere nigh true.) These people are trying to make a Bible that somehow conveys a condoning of their wicked ways by slowly altering it.]

#RESUME. Continuing what I was saying:
...They can't stand the idea that if someone telling them the truths of life so they go and read everyone else's books hoping to gain their own understanding of things and why things are the way they are [ONCE AGAIN PEOPLE!!: (2 Timothy 3:7 ---> "Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of TRUTH") & (Proverb 3:5 ---> "Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean NOT unto thine own understanding.")].


Jeremiah 17:5 ---> "Thus saith the Lord; CURSED BE THE MAN THAT TRUSTETH IN MAN...."
[Hmmm could that be the man that made all the history books - with their views on how we should live - and own separate philosophies to try and make people see things their way?]. Let your mind marinate on that.

I'm done, I believe I have properly handled this statement although I did rant a little bit there. I shewed the lengths of what people, like that, will do to try and make us believe that the Bible (the Word of God) has less value than books (the words of man, based on their own understanding of the world). Now I'm not denigrating anyone else's religion, I am only REASSERTING the reasons for my beliefs in my own and the "one book" that I read.

--One Love

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Racism In The Media & Blatant Ignorance Of It!

I, not too long ago today, ran across this photo on the social networking site, TUMBLR.

The photo followed two responses: #1 - nathoisking [tumblr user]: this is racist as a muhfucka & #2 - vaginafor1000alex [tumblr user]: "this was the dumbest debate ever. i dont think they meant for this to be racist. they’re telling you to buy their shaving cream and stop looking like a damn cave man." If the 2nd response didn't piss me the fuck off, then I don't believe anything could. You can imagine I was pissed. Not because of what she said but because of her lack of knowledge of the tactics and uses of propaganda in the media. I quickly hopped on the response and replied as follows:

---> The people who run "The Industry" knew EXACTLY what they were doing when they made this propaganda. To say this isn't racist only implies that the white man has clearly succeeded in brainwashing you to think in the desired manner that he wants you to [and your parents for not educating you on the subject....don't worry, I'm not coming at you, my parents are the same way, to my knowledge. If they were aware, they never educated me on a subject as critical as this type of propaganda]. Nevertheless, saying that a man with an afro and beard is "uncivilized" [or looks like a caveman, as you so bluntly put] is implying that in order to be civilized, he/she must appear a certain way to the human eye. And that is DEAD WRONG in most cases, such as this one. Was it civilized for the people, who founded America, to go to different parts of the world to discover "new tecnologies" [ones that they were not yet aware of] then rape and kill the majority of the societies that were THRIVING there so that they would have to depend on the Americans for resources to rebuild [Aztecs, Asians, Africans, and even HERE in America with the Native Americans]?? They did this because they wanted to be on top and ahead of "the game" [CAPITALIZATION]. Yet you want to sit there and say that just because you don't shave your beard, it makes you look like a caveman. These people are going to the EXTREMES to push a product; yet another tactic to make African Americans hate themselves for the way they look. The answer is STARING you in the face. Being civilized is the way in which you portray yourself through your actions [BEHAVIOR] from one person to another, not how you keep your hair. So YES, this is Racist/Racism! They portray this image of success, as if we cannot be successful with the "afro & beard" look. Just look at brother Cornel West!

This man is an American philosopher, author, critic, actor, civil rights activist and prominent member of the Democratic Socialists of America. West is a 1973 graduate of Harvard University and a doctoral graduate of Princeton University. [In case you're over there scratching your head].

READ some history sista. No I'm not mad at you. I'm mad the fact that you could let yourself reply to this post so quickly and adamantly, as if you knew for a fact EXACTLY what the motives behind this propaganda were. They don't have me fooled for one second [coming from a brotha who rocks an afro].

YES it is used for sales, which is good for THEIR business, but it's also used to once again dehumanize people with this style of hair [YES IT IS A STYLE]. Look at what Andre 3000 did in his commercial for Gillette. I know you've seen it. If not, look it up on Youtube. There was nothing racist about his commercial, because he would have NEVER said some shit like "re-civilize yourself". He simply offered a product that allows you to make your own style.

Putting the phrase "re-civilize yourself" DID NOT need to be put on this picture, is my point in all of this. That's what makes it RACIST, & the fact that they are also perpetuating stereotypes, because of the deep thought process and meaning that goes into these types of productions. Clearly this isn't only happening against Black people. But to all other races who are not white. The only time it's happening when it's towards white people is when ANY other race does it. I'm not some conspiracy theorist. I just put the facts out and try to liberate some of my own people, including others in other racial groups, from blatant ignorance.

Like I told the young woman, I'm not upset with the industry for publishing this, I'm upset at the fact that our people have come to a point in our lives, of the generation I live in, when the majority of the people are brainwashed into being comfortable with the blatant racism taking place. You don't think it's racism? I would love to hear your point of view.

--'Till next time, stay strong brothas & sistas. One Love.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Some Rules We Can ALL Live By



To Every Man, Woman & Child...

1. We Want An End To The Glamorization Of Negativity In The Media.

2. We Want An End To Status Symbols Dictating Our Worth As Individuals.

3. We Want A Meaningful And Universal Education System.

4. We Want Substance In The Place Of Popularity.

5. We Will Not Compromise Who We Are To Be Accepted By The Crowd.

6. We Want The Invisible Walls That Separate By Wealth, Race & Class To Be Torn Down.

7. We Want To Think Our Own Thoughts.

8. We Will Be Responsible For Our Environment.

9. We Want Clarity & Truth From Our Elected Officials Or They Should Move Aside.

10. We Want Love Not Lies.

11. We Want An End To All Wars. Foreign & Domestic (Violence).

12. We Want An End To The Processed Culture Of Exploitation, Over-Consumption & Waste.

13. We Want Knowledge, Understanding & Peace.


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Boyz for Life. Ride or Die.

This is how me and my homies - Jaymes Johnson, Luna Cat (Desmond Cain), and Elijah Hughes - will end up. These guys have been my friends since we was real young. Hope nothing changes. Glad to be able to call y'all my bros, and be able to say I love 'em, without any misinterpretation of the word. I'd TRUST these guys with my life.

I NEVER use the term "friend" loosely among my peers. But these guys have earned that title with me.

Muhammad Ali Poem on Friendship:

“Friendship is a priceless gift that cannot be bought nor sold.
But, its value is far greater than a mountain made of gold.
For gold is cold and lifeless, it can neither see nor hear.
In time of trouble its powerless to cheer.
Gold has no ears to listen, no heart to understand.
It cannot bring you comfort or reach out a helping hand.
So, when you ask God for a gift, be thankful if He sends,
not pearls, diamonds, or riches but, the love of real true friends.”


Skinny does NOT equate beauty. So many women are miseducated in the word beauty. I have encountered some BEAUTIFUL bigger women that I could honestly see myself with. I NEVER let my peers discourage me to be with a bigger woman because of the term "chubby chaser" that they used EXCESSIVELY. Don't you see by using words like this hurt women big AND small!? It causes bigger women to want to change their appearance, and smaller women to be afraid of gaining a few pounds. Our media is slowly destroying the concept of beauty. I still see signs that people have the RIGHT idea of beauty, but the media is QUICKLY destroying it


I told my homies a while back that if I was in the same situation as Liam Neeson's character in the movie, "THE GREY", I would too fight a wolf....They laughed at me......People don't understand the MENTAL state of mind you have to be in to endure such an encounter. It's not all about physical strength. You can be a small, skinny individual and still take on a giant with the right mental preparation and once that adrenaline gets pumping, there is NO WAY you can lose.


Dear Ladies:

I just had a rather interesting convo with a female companion. It's always nice to hear someone else's opinion of a "hot topic". She was very insightful. Although, she took forever to tell me what she coulda told me in the beginning haha (^_^).  Which is why my ending explanation, I tell you why I don't believe that was her intentions by what she says in the beginning.

Her argument was: If a guy was just trying to fuck a woman and then leave (hit it, then quit it), then he should just "BE REAL" with her & tell her what the deal is in the beginning of their shared encounter, so she can cut him off there, and go on about her business.

 I JUST had a discussion -- about women who say that this is "being real" -- with a different female companion yesterday, February 3, 2012. But this companion agreed with my argument.
My argument, in reply to the first mentioned companion, goes as follows:
----> No REAL MAN is EVER going to say that to ANY woman...You just have to take risks and compensate with what you are learning about that person as you go along with them. You should be able to detect, at this age (College), by the way a man/"man" approaches you, if he just wants you for sex or if he's REAL.

No guy will EVER just come out and say, "Girl, all I want is the pussy." Every guy does have his different motives, but even if he doesn't come out and be blunt about what he wants, in the beginning of the encounter, it doesn't mean he won't eventually (soon after or even much later on) want to be with you in THAT way. And if he does make that move sooner than you intended, then you would probably cut him off and say to yourself, "all guys are the same"
Let me put it this way. If a hunter (man) sets a trap for a deer (you women), then he's not going to put a trap with BIG FLASHING LIGHTS saying, "HEY THERE'S A TRAP OVER HERE." He's going to use tactics to lure you into the trap and then spring it up on you when you LEAST expect it. Y'all gotta be realistic when it comes to some of these bum ass dudes and accept the fact that A LOT of them are going to try you, just to see where it goes. When you spot the flaw, that's when you kick 'em to the  curb.

Don't EVER ask a man to tell you what he wants when you first encounter each other. I know if a woman said something like that to me, being the real MAN that I am, I would take offense. Real Talk ladies. You live and you learn. Like I said you just gotta compensate. Don't just talk to one person at a time. That's how feelings get all messed up. Explore your options, yet stay aware of what their intentions are, all the while looking to see which man sticks out the most as the one you see yourself with. And don't let yourself get caught up by these flashy, materialistic guys. That's just another trap to allow them to gain access into your panties.

Now AFTER I said all this to my colleague, she turns around and flips the script and says. "I only ask what u want from me (if you just want to fuck and leave) if u keep implying it when we first encounter." Originally I retreated from my long, elaborate argument and agreed with her because that would make sense why a woman would ask that after seeing a guy constantly pushing up on her. BUT then I came to the conclusion that she just said that last remark because I had torn so deeply into her "THEORY" of a real man's actions, and while I was explaining that long, finger cramping response, it gave her time to come up with a well put together,  suitable counter response.

Whether she really meant that or not, ladies, please take note of what a lot of you women think is the definition of a real man and my point of this entire argument is to explain that it doesn't make a man "REAL" if he just comes out and says that to a woman he wants to hook up with. It makes him a flashy, DUMBASS.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Just A Little About Myself (Constantly being edited)

Initially I have a hard time getting my point across using spoken words. However, I'm GREAT at expressing them through written/typed words (like here on this blog)
I'm not a "heat of the moment" speaker, so you'll rarely hear my opinion when in a heated conversation. You'll SOMETIMES (not all the time) find that I'm quiet when group conversation is taking place.
That's why I'm practicing on bettering myself in engaging in conversation so people can hear what I have to say..not just see it written.

I am an observer of human activity. I no longer get mad at what people do and how they react. But some things do simply amaze me. Haha People don't like me, & others that are like me, because we are free in our own minds. Not restricted by the "laws" created by society!! ^_^ You guys might not know this but I consider myself a loaner. I tend to think of myself as a one man wolf pack. You never see me with one group of people all the time. I get along with everyone because of the attitude I maintain & my outlook on my life and the people in it.